Seed Funding
CBES has set-aside a portion of its budget for use by researchers within CBES as seed money to help advance new biomedical research collaborations that are directly aligned with the CBES mission.
We foresee granting four (4) $2,500 awards. Please be advised that new collaborative teams with Levine Cancer Institute, Cannon Research Institute, and/or OrthoCarolina Research Institute will be given special considerations. Each investigator is eligible for only one of these awards per any academic year.
The scope of the requests will of course be project specific, but examples of possible targets may include funding towards key equipment purchases, student research assistantships, and critical research supplies. Travel funding will not be provided under the CBES seed grant. We encourage proposals that include the usage of the IVIS System.
Requests must be made before September 15, 2017 and granted funds must be spent prior to March 15, 2018. Funding request should be electronically submitted to Nataly Tapper (, CBES Business Manager by 5:00pm on Friday, September 15th. Award decisions will be made by the Focus Area leaders within 2 weeks of that deadline.
- Funding requests must be 2 pages or less in length.
- The request is made by a CBES associated researcher.
- The funds will directly help a CBES research collaboration to obtain the preliminary data required to secure grant funds from a federal or private agency.
As such each “Request for Funds” must include the following:
- The name, telephone number, and email address of the applicant
- The focus of the CBES-relevant research including an explanation of how it connects to the mission of our Center
- An explanation of how the requested funds will aid the project descripted in #2
- The names, professional affiliation, contact information, and role of each member of the collaborative team
- The specific grant opportunity associated funding agency, and submission timeline that the preliminary data will be used to target
- Provide a description of the project so that the committee will have enough information to determine the merit of the application