CBES Biomedical Seminar Series

To provide supplemental funding for notable individuals that CBES Associates would like to invite to speak at their respective or affiliated department seminars. The invited speaker should help stimulate new biomedical research opportunities that are directly aligned with the CBES mission.


A CBES Associate must initiate the application process. The proposed speaker must be notable and have broad impact across the CBES community.

Requests for fall speakers must be made by March 1 and for spring speakers by September 1. Funding request should be electronically submitted to Nataly Tapper (ntapper2@uncc.edu) by 5:00pm of the deadline date. Award decisions will be made by the committee within 2 weeks of that deadline.


The request is made by a CBES Associated Researcher in conjunction with the appropriate departmental seminar committee.

Each “Request for Funds” must include the following:

  1. The name, title, and institution of the speaker
  2. A description of the matching funds that the host department will provide to support speaker expenses
  3. A description of the speaker’s background and research area so that the committee will have enough information to determine the merit of the application. Include education, notable publications, expertise, etc.
  4. An explanation of the expected impact that the speaker will have on you and your colleagues relevant to the CBES mission. Include how the speaker can foster collaboration and increase research opportunities here in Charlotte.
  5. A budget describing how the funds (from CBES and host department) will be allocated (costs for meals with the speaker must be less than $300.


The CBES Associate within 2 weeks of the speaker’s seminar must provide to CBES, a short written assessment of the visit including:

  1. Who the speaker met
  2. How the speaker stimulated new Biomedical Research
  3. Potential future plans for CBES Associates