MTT Researchers
CBES Area of Interest: My laboratory focuses on an understanding of the immune response during microbial infection, autoimmunity, and /or inflammation. Development of protein-based therapeutics or diagnostics to treat immune-based diseases or to detect alterations during pathological responses is one focus of our efforts. CBES Area of Expertise: Immune response; Immunomodulatory therapeutics; Diagnostics; Host response […]
CBES Area of Interest: My research interests include determining the role of the neuropeptide substance P in microbially induced inflammation of the central nervous system. We seek to understand the role of resident glial cells of the CNS in the initiation and augmentation of neuro-degenerative inflammation and the possibility of using a systemically delivered antagonist […]
CBES Area of Interest: Dr. Clemen’s lab specializes in the regulation of liver microcirculation: Role of stress-inducible vasoactive mediators (endothelin, nitric oxide synthase, hydrogen sulfide, sonic hedgehog, heme oxygenase) in altering vascular responsiveness in the liver following oxidative or inflammatory stress. Mechanisms of control of sinusoid perfusion by hepatic stellate cells, especially related to components […]
CBES Area of Interest: Dr. Elliott’s research specialty is experimental thermodynamics with emphasis on the analysis of living systems. Biopreservation is the major focus of her work, an area that is becoming increasingly important as changes in the environment continue to affect biodiversity. Dr. Elliott’s research group has been investigating the underlying science of non-refrigerated […]
CBES Area of Interest: Stem cell biology, immunology, cell and developmental biology, and tissue engineering CBES Area of Expertise: Cancer research, cancer vaccines, adult stem cells, clinical trial specimen collection and processing
CBES Area of Interest: Biological treatment of skin cancer as well as immune modulation by and against solid tumors
CBES Area of Interest: Minimally Invasive Surgery, Image-Guided Therapies CBES Area of Expertise: Laser Medicine, Biomedical Optics, Biophotonics, Minimally Invasive Thermal Therapies
CBES Area of Interest: I have many years experience analyzing large mouse data sets in both mouse cardiovascular physiology and genetics. Using these techniques I have identified many chromosomal regions that associate with physiological function at baseline and in response to stress. Furthermore, I have the equipment and expertise to perform mechanical properties testing on […]
CBES Area of Interest: Inverse problems for Partial Differential Equations. Applications to Medical Optical Imaging. CBES Area of Expertise: Numerical solution of a parabolic inverse problem in optical tomography using experimental data.
CBES Area of Interest: Research is in the area of improving organ preservation for transplantation. Currently, the number of patients waiting for transplants is exponentially increasing while the number of transplants remains stagnant. Our goal is to improve the technology of hypothermic machine perfusion for preservation of donor livers. There are many aspects to this […]
CBES Area of Interest: The overall focus of my research is gain insight into the structure and function of human tendons as its relates to: force transmission on a macroscopic and nanoscale level; adaptation to physical activity and inactivity, and responses to various forms of treatment of tendon injury. CBES Area of Expertise: Structure and […]
CBES Area of Interest: Our research focuses on the mechanisms underlying damaging inflammation in brain and bone tissue following infection. Microglia and astrocytes are the principle non-neuronal cells of the central nervous system (CNS) and play a key role in host defense against invading pathogens. However, these glial cells may play a far more sinister […]
CBES Area of Interest: Drs Mougeot’s laboratories are centered on the both microbiomic and human genomic biomarkers for diagnosis of various oral and systemic diseases including Sjogren’s syndrome, Infective Endocarditis, Oral mucositis, and other oral complications of cancer therapy. We use next generation sequencing technology for analysis of microbial metagenome and human genetic polymorphisms using […]
CBES Area of Interest: Drs Mougeot’s laboratories are centered on the both microbiomic and human genomic biomarkers for diagnosis of various oral and systemic diseases including Sjogren’s syndrome, Infective Endocarditis, Oral mucositis, and other oral complications of cancer therapy. We use next generation sequencing technology for analysis of microbial metagenome and human genetic polymorphisms using […]
CBES Area of Interest: When breast cancers metastasize to other organs, treatment becomes more aggressive and the prognosis less hopeful. Defining the factors that contribute to metastatic disease is therefore an important goal. Research in our laboratory has utilized a mouse model of breast cancer to demonstrate that a common viral infection greatly increases metastatic […]
CBES Area of Interest: As co-founder of SoyMeds, Inc., we use a soy-based platform for production of protein-based therapeutics that can be used to prevent, diagnose and treat disease. We have expressed vaccine antigens (subunit antigens, VLPs, etc), myelin proteins involved with multiple sclerosis, and the only non-cadaver source of human thyroglobulin that could set […]
CBES Area of Interest: Dr. Zhang has been working on robust medical image segmentation, large-scale medical image retrieval, decision support systems, and computer-aided diagnosis. He has developed various methods for multiple use cases, including the automated analysis of histopathological images, cardiac motion reconstruction with tagged MRI, and compressed sensing MRI. CBES Area of Expertise: Dr. […]