Charlotte Biomedical Science and Engineering 2017

Event Date:
May 5, 2017 – 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
UNC Charlotte Center City Building
A One-Day Symposium held on Friday, May 5, 2017, from 08:00 am – 4:30 pm at UNC Charlotte’s Center City Building (Lecturer’s room, Atrium, and 9th Floor). UNC Charlotte Center City is located at 320 East 9th Street, Charlotte, NC.
Keynotes sessions from representatives from Levine Cancer Institute, Cannon Research Center and OrthoCarolina. Special topics included:
- Imaging
- Cancer Research
- Orthopedic
Invited Speaker Dr. Clemens Burda from Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH gave a seminar on Imaging and Cancer Research.
Lastly, breakout sessions in which members presented and discussed advances in their research program related to the special topics listed above.
Graduate Students showcased their research in a competitive forum. Students were judged on both the quality and oral presentation of their poster. The winners of the 2017 Graduate Student Competition are:
Overall Category Winners:
1st Place
Mubin Tarannum
“Combinatorial Drug Delivery to Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma using Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles”
2nd Place
Justin Halman
“Programmable Nucleic Acid-based Polygons with Controlled Immunomodulatory Properties”
CBES Associated Winners:
Applied Cancer Technologies & Therapeutics
Mahboubeh Yazdanifar
“A Novel Anti-MUC1 CAR T Cell Drives Immunity to Pancreatic Cancer”
Biomechanics & Mobility Research
Shangcheng Wang
“Axial Rotation of the Knee with a Mobile-bearing Implant is Changed by Concurrent Osteoarthritis of the Contralateral Knee”
Medical Therapies & Technologies
Austin Jeffries
“Human Astrocytes and Microglia-like Cells Express cGAS-STING Viral Sensing Components”
Molecular Engineering & Design
Fareeha Kanwal
“Effect of Molecular Cooperativity Across a Superfamily of Glycan Synthesis Enzymes as Targets for Antibiotics”
The Charlotte Biomedical Science and Engineering 2017 Symposium was sponsored by: