Innovative Healthcare is in the Palm of Your Hand

Categories: CBES Events Tags: CBES Events

Event Date:
March 25, 2016 – 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Woodward 255

The seminar also featured Dr. Luke P Lee, the Arnold and Barbara Silverman Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley, a Co-Director of the Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center, and the Director of the Biomedical Institute of Global Healthcare Research & Technology (BIGHEART).

This seminar was held on Friday, March 25 at 10:00am in Woodward 255, and was co-sponsored by the CRI and CBES as part of our Biomedical Seminar Series Program. Click here to see the flyer.


In this talk, I will present how to see the world’s healthcare crisis and the fundamental problems of current medicine in a grain of iSAND (integrative Science, Arts, Nanomedicine, and Digital technology), and find solutions in nature for preventive medicine and healthy environment. Since the future of healthcare is in the palm of our hands, a few examples of creative healthcare innovations will be discussed along with the vision of smart digital healthcare in both developing and developed countries: smart mobile integrated molecular diagnostic systems (iMDx) for personalized precision medicine and microphysiological analysis platforms (iMAPs) for drug discovery and regenerative medicine. The smart mobile iMDx comprises three key elements of precision medicine on chip: ultrafast multiplexed photonic PCR for the early detection of DNA and RNA biomarkers in blood, signal amplifications of protein markers, and a self-contained sample preparation from whole blood on chip, which allows a sample-to-answer readout platform with smart analytics. The progress on patient-specific iPSCs-based iMAPs, pancreatic islets and mini-brains in silicone for molecular pathogenesis will be discussed along with the vision of preventive medicine via precision engineering in medicine.