News and Announcements
We are proud to share the following achievements made by our CBES Associated Researchers:
Dr. Abbey Thomas
Interview with the NY Times about osteoarthritis after joint injury
Please see the full article here.
Dr. Didier Dreau
Congratulations for being an editor on this newly published book entitled: Engineering 3D Tissue Test Systems edited by Karen J.L. Burg, Didier Dréau, Timothy Burg
Engineering 3D Tissue Test Systems provides an introduction to, and unique coverage of, a rapidly evolving area in biomaterials engineering. It reveals the current and future research responses, the current and future diagnostic applications, and provides a comprehensive overview to foster innovation. It offers insight into the importance of 3D systems and their use as benchtop models, spanning applications from basic scientific research to clinical diagnostics. Methods and limitations of building 3D tissue structures are evaluated, with attention given to the cellular, polymeric, and fabrication instrumentation components. The book covers the important aspects of polymeric tissue test systems, highlighting the needs and constraints of the industry, and includes a chapter on regulatory and pricing issues.
For more information please click here
Dr. Hansang Cho and his team
Please check out the links below for information regarding this hot topic worldwide:
- 3D BBB-on-a chip:
- Neuron-on-a chip:
- Microglia-on-a chip:
External funding on brain-on-chip from Harvard’s
Dr. Pinku Mukherjee
OncoTAb, Inc., was founded by Mayo Clinic alumna Dr. Pinku Mukherjee, with a mission to improve the quality of cancer care by addressing unmet cancer diagnostic and therapeutic needs. The company’s technology platform is a monoclonal antibody (TAB004) for tumor-associated MUC1 (tMUC1) that was developed by Chief Scientific Officer and Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences at UNC Charlotte, Dr. Pinku Mukherjee. TAB004 has cancer diagnostic, imaging and therapeutic applications that are being developed at OncoTAb. A portfolio of patents (US Patents: 8,518,405 & 9,090,698; additional US & worldwide patents pending) protect the antibody and its fragments, method of creating antibody and use of antibody for diagnostics, imaging and therapeutics.
Product description:
Agkura™ Personal Score is a simple, non-invasive blood test that aids breast cancer detection in women with dense breast tissue or at high risk for developing breast cancer. It measures the levels of the biomarker tumor-associated MUC1 (tMUC1) that is released in blood. Agkura™ Personal Score shows a trend of increasing value from benign disease through breast cancer stages 1 to 4. Women can monitor their personal score in conjunction with annual mammograms. A score above the normal reference interval or an increasing trend would indicate the need for additional imaging modalities (ultrasound or MRI), resulting in earlier stage diagnosis of breast cancer. The company has a worldwide exclusive license to a patent-protected technology platform with cancer diagnostic, imaging and therapeutic applications. OncoTAb’s first product is Agkura™ Personalized Score – A simple, non-invasive blood test as a bi-annual supplement to mammography for women with dense breast tissue.
Contact Information:
Address: 9201 University City Blvd., Bioinformatics Bldg. Room 243, Charlotte, NC 28223
Telephone: 1-855- ONCOTAB
Web Address: