Dr. Rueben Howden
Dr. Rueben Howden
CBES Area of Interest:
I have many years experience analyzing large mouse data sets in both mouse cardiovascular physiology and genetics. Using these techniques I have identified many chromosomal regions that associate with physiological function at baseline and in response to stress. Furthermore, I have the equipment and expertise to perform mechanical properties testing on tendons, vascular tissue and many other types of tissue samples can be tested.
CBES Area of Expertise:
I am interested in molecular recognition as I develop genetics models for cardiovascular function, identifying specific locations where potentially important regulatory proteins expression is important. In this context, I am very interested in the capabilities of the new IVIS Spectrum imagining system.
Recently, I have begun work on mechanical properties testing of tendon tissue, which sometimes requires customization of the necessary equipment. Moreover, I have been working on using the same equipment to test the mechanical properties of vascular and cardiac tissue.